Monday, May 4, 2009

How it works (the condensed version)

So, here are the highlights of the "Needles Peak Illustrated Life History", complete with pithy, but actual, thoughts along the way. Remember, if your initial thought is that it looks like a garden gnome, chances are someone else will too. Some good thoughts to keep in mind with logo design and painting alike:
A) Always have impartial eyes take a look at it and tell you WHAT THEY SEE (not what they think/ least not at first).
B) Never settle for the first solutions, they are rarely the most successful.

Coming Soon: Paintings!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Needles Peak Ski and Bike

This is a logo that I just completed for a new ski/bike shop in Utah. Needles Peak Ski and Bike is the official name, and they're just getting started. They are really committed to being a great shop, and I'm really excited about where the logo is going. We did a lot of versions, and I'll try and post some 'process' versions later so you can how it came together. I'm excited to get some paintings up soon! (All images are copyrighted)