Here is a logo and t-shirt design that I recently completed for Holcomb Valley Scout Reservation in California. I worked there several years ago, and the camp is now under the leadership of some great friends, Ben and Kristi, who are doing marvelous things. A lot of camps traditionally have horrible design, and so hopefully this is at least one step up from clip-art and faux wolf-claw marks.
This is a little oil study (3.5"x 8") I did a few weeks ago in anticipation of a larger piece (12"x 24") which is in the works. It was a fun limited palette study, and utilized Cad. Red, Yellow Ochre, Burnt Umber, Ivory Black, and Titan. White.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
And thus I enter into the blogging world. I intend to use this as a forum for sharing new work, especially sketches, prep work, and studies--the really wonderful parts that never get seen on the website. Let me know what you think, and I promise to try and give new things to see often. This little watercolor was done last Fall from a photo taken inside my Utah studio looking out at the amazing Hollyhocks waving right outside the window. They always remind me of home. Enjoy!